emily and isie
isie, anderew, me, kendall
isn't that amazing?
Family Force 5! :]
hello earthlings!
i know i haven't posted in a million years, but that's 'cause i've been pretty darn busy.
a little over a week ago, i was at a festival called lifest. if you're wondering what it is, it's kinda hard to explain. basically, you go there, {we camped for all 5 days} go to concerts like family force 5 and skillet.
also add awesome, friendly people & good food, you get a heck of a good time! :)
plus, what's even better, is that there's tons of people wanting to share the truth with anyone who will listen. yay!
so needless to say, best part of my summer hands down.
i'm so going next year. you should too!
"if you believed when i said id be better off without you, then you never really knew me at all. if you believed when i said that i wouldn't be thinking about you, you thought you knew the truth but you're wrong. " -skillet
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