Sample Food Web

food chain. A single tree which is very large can sipport a large number of

An example of a food chain is: Tree - Antelope - Wolf

As you move higher up in the food chain, consumption becomes less efficient.
iguana,red-eyed tree frog. Top of food chain: python, jaguar

I place you at the bottom of the food chain okay? :p

Food Chain Lesson Plan- "The Chain Gang" Legacy Ecology Lesson Plan (grades

Here is an example of how a typical food web is represented:

Consumers form the next link in food chains. All organisms other than

But one brown tree snake in Mackay, Australia found that the tables were

Teaches numeracy skills and is a good start for a food chain lesson plan for

In a parasitic food chain, for e.g., an oak tree, the large tree provides

Diagram of Sediment to Tree Swallow Food Chain

Related topics: food chain, food chains, fruit tree, fruit trees, apple,

The food chain

2007 - 2008 Internet Web Food Chain. You are not watching this post,

A Desert Food Chain (09) / Nature's Bounty

them millions of years before they moved to the top of the food chain.

A sturdy tree makes a wonderful vertical stage for Food Chain,
Candy canes certainly have their place in the Christmas food chain,
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