happy new year!
this year has been the best year of my life yet.
i've had so many incredible experiences this year, & i'm so excited to see what God has in store for me this year: 2011!
i'm sure it wont be exactly as i plan, but that's all a part of the adventure.
here are some of the best parts of this last year in photos:
{i only have from april- when i got my computer}
april: got this computer, boated on the river.!
may: banquet with emilia, miki & rosa:]
june: rockin' for relief, big wild west trip.
{james & i. fav photo!}
{my mom & i on top of the "double o arch"}
july: cabin time, lifestt!
august: anna at the cab, visited my auntie in wausau, state fair!
september: fall festival with jess & anna
october: apple fast with the carter's
december: blizzard conditions, homemade cocoa.
{lacey. i don't know why i like this so much!}
{this was written 12/31/10.}