the family. 2009, florida. {with astronaut. sadly, i can't remember his name.}

daniel, me & emilia.

so my sissy came in to my room today & she said maybe i should tell you about who i am.
i guess i haven't really done too much of that. other then my name & my life.
so my name is leah marie.
my birthday is on the 29th of january.
i have a sister & a brother.
a mom & dad. {married 20 years!}
2 pooches. lacey & theo.
i love them all a lot.
my favorite color is orange & i like to draw & paint.
i like to use lots of blankets on my bed when it's cold.
i like to eat ice cream with a baby spoon.
our family is known for how much we cook.
& our love of food.
i like sleeping. i never will understand taylor swift doing things at 2:00am.
i love the movies 'the devil wears prada', a walk to remember, singing in the rain & grandma got run over by a reindeer.
i listen to country most of the time.
i live in a small town. we moved here about 6 (or 7?) years ago.
i like fl. it's an amazing state.
i watched the packers get into the superbowl last night, did you?
i would like to make baked alaska for my birthday. i think i'll give it a try.
oh and i think arizona is a cool state too.
i like ford.
dogs. especially lacey. she's cute.
fin. so far.
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